S. Barsotti's latest update for Single Version

Sep 12, 2016

Tomorrow is the day these critters come skitter-scuttling to your front step. SINGLE VERSION officially publishes 9/13. TOMORROW.

For all of you expecting paperbacks, they’ll be shipping any day now. If you ordered an e-book, you should be getting it today.

When it reaches your beautiful eyeballs, take it on the train with you so everyone can see Susie Kirkwood’s breathtaking cover design, and when a stranger asks you, "That book looks so attractive and yet...repulsive," you can say, "First of all, that wasn’t a question. And second of all, this is SINGLE VERSION. It’s part sci-fi, part horror, part cyberpunk, and it is creeping me the fuck out. Please, stranger, would you check my back for roaches. See any? None? I feel them there. No? Great. I LOVE READING!!"

I can’t believe this day is finally here. Thank you everyone for your belief and support. I truly hope you dig the story and that it resonates with you. And if it does, please tell someone about it. Write a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Toss it up on your blogs, your Facebooks, your Instas. Pitch it to your book club. Any help spreading the word is wonderful, appreciated help.

And I’ve got another project in the works...more on that very soon.

In the meantime...please enjoy SINGLE VERSION.