An Introduction

Part historical fantasy, part psychological thriller, part supernatural horror.

When the world turns against you, and you cannot trust the words you hear or the things you see. Who then is the really enemy? When the monsters are inside you?

I am writing this as a way to deal with my own demons. These characters have make a home in my mind for the better part of ten years. They have grown with me, suffered with me and at time I have tried to shut them out. But them only real way to have them quiet down, is to release them into the world for others to experience. They are friends and enemies, saints and demons but they each have a story.

When I was young I would make up stories all the time. I would tell fantastical tales to my stuffed animals, to comfort them as well as myself. I learned to read and write, and put these stories to paper. I grew to abhor anything I created, to absolutely detest anything that I had written. Now I am finally ready to share my stories with the world.

Julia is a girl on her mid-twenties, very much a reflection of myself. She is stubborn and head strong, sensitive and emotional, with a taste for the fantastical. She has grown with me. I was deeply inspired by Lewis Carrol’s Alice and Francesca Lia Block’s Weetzie Bat with the creation of her. She is the voice of my creative muse in the back of my head.

Next Chapter: Chapter 1: Where I Am Now