
What Happened with the World?

Indeed... what happened with the world?... that’s probably what my dad thought... and my mom thinks... moving on my name is Felix Yuri Indie Ortiz and I am living in a world that my parents would never imagine. I am 15 years old, not very tall, my skin is white (kind of red actually), black hair, brown eyes, oh and I have ear plugs (not big ones, the smaller ones) {they have the gamer symbols, you know... the square, the X, the triangle and the circle, I always use one pair one day and the next day the other}, I am American and a Chicano, from sector C4L1.

Gotta shut up... and prepare for the game, it’s been a long day and I am exhausted... so an easy game is gonna be good for now, so I am playing the samurai one... you know, with the katana, the fruit and vegetables... oh yeah and the grenades, don’t wanna touch those. Okay got my katana {a beauty really} and I am good to go, let’s hope I don’t die in this one {nah I am pretty good... am I?... haha yeah I am or I would be dead already!}, let’s go!

Okay so we are 8 gamers only, easy peasy... and, 1, 2,3... Game on!{I am actually good at this one so I can write fine}

Right... I haven’t explained what this is and where I am, first things first this is a letter... and yes I am sending it from the future, so I’ll have to explain a bunch of stuff, I still don’t know if it’s getting to you at all... it’s just a rumor that’s going on in the streets, of a time machine or something like that, they say it only sends things, not persons, and the objects can’t be too big... so a letter is excellent, I can only hope that it gets to somebody... and if it does... please tell everybody, we need this future out of existence, it’s no good, it’ll kill all the entire planet Earth! With almost everybody as a gamer, sooner or later there will be no more gamers left... and eventually those left... will die, so whoever you are you are very important... for all humanity.

You are probably asking yourself a bunch of stuff now, sorry I was kind of born in this world, so I don’t think of what you don’t understand and what you do... I am trying to think of stuff that my dad always used to tell me... you know stuff of the "old days" as my dad called it, stuff like... like that the games weren’t played physically by us, if somebody else told me that I wouldn’t believe it, but it was my dad... I totally believed in him... I wish he was here to help me, I miss him so much... he was a scientist, when there were scientists, now everybody is a gamer or a "nothing". He made things for the government... until he said some stuff... and they didn’t like it... bye bye daddy... I was 11 years old when that happened, next year started being a gamer, it didn’t matter if I died... not to me... my hero was long gone... forever...

Humm sorry that got to me... moving on, my mom, easy, two words: Not-There, okay there is more to it, stuff that my dad told me... my mom was a gamer, my dad said she was a gamer before physical gaming, in the "old days", he said that once the physical gaming started she got in right away, "she was an energetic woman" my dad said {and he always sighed when he mentioned it, yeah he still loved her, but I just hate her}, I bet she still is, yeah I still think my mom is alive, too much of a good gamer according to my dad {and I trust in my dad}, ...she left us when I was 3 years old, I don’t remember it, I don’t remember anything about my mom, the only thing I have of her is my dad’s descriptions and stories, Magdiel Ahinoam Ortiz Ramon... my mom. My dad said she had a nickname and that she went by it, but he never told me the nickname... he said it hurt him to mention it, so I didn’t ask more... {oh a gamer just got his face blown away, one less... 6 to go} I always asked myself why she left us... I asked my dad too {ah a grenade just blew up a gamer in half} ...he never mentioned it, but I still think she left us because she was selfish... and I hate her for it {gamer loses his head, better to have used it well, 4 more}… okay better concentrate {gamer blown from his feet, went up and then smashed on the floor} and {wow, he missed and cut... something low.. Ouch}…finish {BOOM!}… I win, oh yeaaah {whatever}, I’ll go get my money.

Ready, money charged and all set to go home {gonna turn this off for the walk}, *OFF*

*ON* Okay at home sweet home, gonna go to the kitchen and... what was that sound? {get gun out} slowly, slowly, slowlyyyy!

-Me: DON’T YOU FREAKING MOVE! {pointing the gun at it}

-…: Dude... you gotta chill *RECOGNIZING VOICE … SAULO*

-Me: Saulo?!

-Saulo: what?, I kind of live here too... and what’s up with the gun? "you are like my brother"

-Me: sorry I am tired and I totally forgot I don’t live alone, and you are like my brother {I put the gun down}

-Saulo: geez mate

That’s Saulo, my roommate and my best mate.