
Getting on the bus

-Chapter 1-

-Getting on the bus-


Shannon is an elderly lady fighting moving to assisted living that her daughter insists she needs. She likes being independent but ever since her husband died thirty years ago next month on their anniversary, she slowly began losing her fire to go on. She still lives alone in an apartment complex. The apartment is small but large enough for one person. There are no stairs to get to her apartment, which is a good thing because every now and then she has trouble lifting her right leg. Too many muscle sprains when she was a teenager. Her face has many wrinkles from excessive smoking in her past but she gave it up the day her husband died cold turkey. That was probably the hardest thing she ever had to do and she did a lot of stuff in her day. Shannon is the type of woman who wont take any nonsense from anyone and isn’t afraid to speak her mind.

At the ripe age of sixty-four, Shannon found it hard to get up in the morning. It was always the same routine just to get going. First was attempt to get out of bed, and this morning seemed to take longer than normal. She saw fuzzy and nothing was clear till she would stroll to her bathroom just adjacent to the bedroom. This night she’s wearing a Minnie mouse top and bottom pajamas her grandson gave to her for her birthday. She knew it was a throw away gift because he didn’t know what to actually get her but she didn’t mind, it was soft and it was warm, both things she could always use these days. She looks into the mirror and all she sees is an old lady looking back at her. The crows’ feet haven’t changed nor have the wrinkles in her forehead. Her frazzled brown hair falls flat even though it doesn’t even reach her shoulders. The faded hazel eyes have seen so much in their lifetime. A couple glimpses in the mirror later, a quick hairbrush job and she was ready to start the day. Shannon left the bathroom to go get changed but stopped just feet out of the bathroom and back into her bedroom. She had forgotten to brush her teeth when she was in there. She wavered whither or not to go back in to do that but decided against it, it could wait till she got home. Today was the day she goes to market and she didn’t want to miss her bus. This bus comes once every few hours at the bus stop just a short walk from her house. If she missed it she would just walk home and go the next day it wasn’t worth waiting outside in the cold. Not in her eyes anyways.

Shannon pulled a cat sweater out of her dresser, another throwaway gift. This was still one of her favorites because it was cute and really warm. Some sweat pants completed the outfit and she was ready to go. She made her way to the counter where she sets her watch, sits down just for a moment to slip her shoes on and stuff her wallet into her pocket. The backs of her shoes are so worn down from constant slip on and off that it’s a wonder they even fit anymore. She grabs her watch and checks the time, its now 12:42. If she doesn’t hurry she wont make the bus, it comes at 1pm and it’s a 15-minute walk to the stop. She was moving sluggish this morning even after sleeping in till 12:30, which she never really did, at most she would sleep till 10 but she hasn’t been sleeping well. She kept having bad dreams as of late, and last night wasn’t any different. Mostly dreams about being captured and being abandoned haunted her so. She figured it was just brought on by the fact that her daughter kept pushing assisted living on her every conversation and Shannon just didn’t want that.

Shannon was in so much a rush to make it to the bus stop down a few blocks that she was ignoring the pebble in her shoe. Just out side the main door a blast of cold air hits her in the face and she winces. She really didn’t like the cold. She puts her hands in her pockets to discover she forgot her wallet. “Ugh” she sighs and turns back around to go get it. After fumbling with the keys for what seemed like forever, she got it back open and rushed back in and grabbed the wallet on the counter. She swears it wasn’t there before when she was just in there but she’s been wrong before. Take two on the bus run and she makes it to the main door again. A second blast of air hit her and this one seemed to seep to the bones this time. A quick glimpse of her watch showed that little escapade lasted 6 minutes she didn’t have to spare; it was now 12:48.

Outside it was gloomy and windy. Fall was in full affect with its cold air and leaves everywhere. Every step made a new crunch sound under her feet. The wind itself made Shannon wrap her arms around herself against the elements but she was determined to brace the weather and make it to the shopping market today. She had a few prescriptions to pick up and some grocery shopping to do. Walking the two blocks seemed to go by faster today, maybe it was because Shannon was on a mission to make it on time and she was never one to pull back from something she wants. The pain from the pebble soon became unbearable and it wouldn’t slip to the side of the shoe or even a more tolerable position. Shannon saw the bus stop bench soon coming up and she started to move faster to get to it, if not to make the bus but to get the pebble out. Once she arrived at the bus stop she checked her watch once more it was now 12:58. She had made it. She sat on the bench and to quickly remove the pebble. She shook the shoe and it fell out. The air seemed still and quiet and no one was on the streets, not even other drivers. This seemed odd but Shannon payed it no mind. Her mind fell to memories of her and her late husband Gerald; her anniversary was coming up after all and she missed him everyday. It was always a hard time for her the next month ever since she lost him that day to cancer but they both agreed he didn’t want to suffer anymore and he was at peace now. That didn’t make it hurt her any less everyday he wasn’t there with her anymore.

All this memory lane strolling left her eyes slightly teary but she blinked it away. When she heard the metal release sound of the brakes to a bus. She looked up to see a bus sitting in front of her and she rose to get on. The bus itself looked different than her normal busses but once again shrugged it off because it was the bus and she had things to do. The door swung open and in the driver seat was a man who looked friendly enough but gave Shannon an uneasy feeling. She had a little trouble getting her right leg to cooperate with the first bus step but she managed. She paid her fee and found a seat in the front of the bus despite meaning she would have to be near the driver. She sat almost directly behind him because the closer to the door she was the quicker she could get off once they arrived where she wanted to go. As she sat down in her seat on the bus the door swung closed and began to roll forward. The moment that door closed Shannon’s fate was sealed.


This day started out for robin like most days as of late. First get ready to go to court with her sister because of sisters’ scumbag of an ex. Her alarm went off early this morning, roughly around 9am. She was running out of nice clothes to look presentable to appear before a judge in and laundry day taunted her. Her sister Eliza had a boyfriend who ended up being just terrible to her and robin wasn’t above making it known he wasn’t welcome around anyone they associate with. Robin stood up for her little sister and basically kicked him out the day she found out he was cheating on her. Eliza thought robin took it too far but honestly, robin thought she could have taken it much farther. The matters only got worse when Eliza’s finances started to dwindle and neither of them could figure out why. A few weeks after the break up and her boyfriend mark moved out of the shared apartment between the two sisters, it was leaked that mark was embezzling money from Eliza’s bank account. Robin wouldn’t stand for this and put her foot down and made her lenient sister to suing mark to get the money back. Unfortunately for her, mark planned on fighting the charges so this power struggle began between robin and her sister Eliza against mark. This morning robin decided on a nice dark maroon shirt and dark blue jeans. Her favorite shirt needed to desperately be washed. It would be an hour or so before her sister would even be able to function in the world so after getting dressed she walked to the kitchen and started a brew of coffee.

A few button clicks and it started right up, next was a slice of toast for herself. Mornings didn’t really bother robin but getting her sister up was a different story. A bomb could go off and Eliza would still be sleeping. However, because of all the stress as of late, robin found it easier to wake her since she wasn’t sleeping much anyway. Robin worries about her sister, which is understandable. She would do anything for her. She’s all she has left after they both got kicked out of their parents’ house all because Eliza didn’t want to pursue mark for what he had done, instead she wanted to forgive him. Robin didn’t agree with that either but there was no way she’d ever abandon her sister. They didn’t always have such a complicated lifestyle, there once was a time when mark didn’t ruin everything. He cost Eliza and Robin their relationship with their mom, Eliza’s credibility, almost all of the money left to both of them from their late father, he even got Elizas car impounded. Robin despised mark for what he had put them both through but for the sake of her sisters happiness never pursued her anger towards him. Her mind raced a mile a minute and was brought back to reality when the toaster popped up the toast. She blinked then remembered what she was doing. She grabbed the toast and put some cream cheese on it from the fridge. A few moments after taking her first bite she heard some creaking come from upstairs. It was her sister Eliza waking up. Robin was lucky, her hair would look fine regardless of if she just woke up or if she had it styled. It was a dark brown with highlights and it was her favorite feature. The minutes ticked away and robin yelled up “you better hurry up, up there, were going to be late!” That seemed to work as the stumbling became more erratic from upstairs.

While she waited for her sister to come out of the bathroom, robin was getting her shoes on. She would check her phone from time to time and it was already closing in on 11am. Where has the time gone she wondered and started to bang on the bathroom door. “Its already 11! Move it!” She exclaimed. Today was yet another court date against mark and robin was ready to take the stand on behalf of her sister. It was scheduled for later today, roughly 2pm but robin wanted to be early because she thinks it’ll look better and plus they have to go through the metal detectors and all that when they get there. Without the car, they both were forced to take the local bus to the downtown plaza just next to the courthouse. Soon robin was ushering her sister out the door. Robin turned and locked the door behind her, and Eliza watched as she turned the key into the tumblers.

Outside was cold and windy and neither of them had worn hats today. Their hair was more than likely going to be blown like crazy today causing Robin and Eliza to sigh. Not a word was spoken between the two as they walked silently to the bus stop. Along the way robin couldn’t stop thinking about how much today is going to be a major milestone in the whole mark fiasco. Soon it’ll all be over and she and her sister could get on with their lives. Standing at the bus stop robin saw her sister fidgeting and so put her arm around her shoulder. “It’s going to be ok, we will get through this”. Eliza smiled back and went back to rubbing her own arm. Robin frowned and looked up. The bus was here. As the door swung open and Eliza stepped on, robin felt as if something was off. It was something with the bus but she couldn’t quite place it. Before she could look more into it, Eliza was already on the bus so robin just shrugged it off and stepped aboard as well. The two sisters sat on the left side of the bus a few rows behind the driver. After robin settled into her seat she looked up and saw the bus driver smile at her and close the door. Once that bus started up again robins’ fate was set.


Today was the day, the time was now and steph couldn’t wait any longer. Finally she and the love of her life were going to elope to a better life. Despite the world pretending to be fashion forward, interracial couples was still a hot topic. Steph woke up this morning easier than normal, she didn’t even need an alarm, like it was a normal every day thing when in truth it was just the opposite; usually she had to drag herself from bed. Today however, she was motivated. A few brushes of her blonde hair and that were done. Makeup came with ease too, like she had been an expert at it since birth. Only a few minutes and she was ready to throw on some clothes. She looked at the phone anticipating it to ring. Oh how she wanted to hear his voice saying he was ready. She glanced the phone a few more moments before sighing. Not yet. She found the clothes she set out for herself on the nearby chair next to her bed. Just some jeans with holes and an old tee but it were her favorite outfit. It was always her favorite once she heard her boyfriend say he liked her in that getup. Ever since then she was sold. Stephs world revolves around Daniel and there is nothing else in stephs eyes. She waits in agony waiting for it to ring. Oh why couldn’t he call? She would do anything for him; she’d go to the ends of the earth just to be with him despite what everyone else in her life was saying. Who needs them when she has Daniel. She longed for his voice. The fact that she talked to him last night meant nothing now. They were going to elope and start a new life. As soon as he calls she plans to spring from her apartment abode into his arms and into his car and off they’ll go.

It’s the perfect plan. All that’s left is the phone call saying it’s a go. Minutes pass and she just can’t take it anymore. What could he be doing that’s taking so long. Why wasn’t he answering his texts. Another sigh only more disgruntled this time. The phone began to ring and stephs eyes bugged out as she reached for it. On the other end was her beloved Daniel but he sounded a little off, as if he was sad. Filled with worry steph talked to him. “Alright, not quite as planned but we can still grab a bus or something were getting out of here together.” She hung up the phone and exclaimed “dang it” before turning to her phone again. Now she was looking up bus schedules and it just so happen there was one coming up soon and that seems like the best bet. Steph texted Daniel back and told him the news. He said he was fine with that and he would just send for the car later. The plan was back in motion and now she was back to being overjoyed. The next half hour went by with a breeze before Daniel showed up at her doorstep. It looked like he walked the distance from where he broke down straight there. They embraced and took hands before going out into the world together. Together they could do anything. Side by side the two walked towards a nearby bus stop. Steph confirmed it was where this particular bus to far, far away would show. It was a little more broken down than a normal bus stop so they both stood. Not that steph minded, it gave her more an excuse to be in his arms. Time seemed to stand still as they waited for the transport to arrive, which should be any minute now. The wind was acting up and her hair was going crazy but she didn’t care. She didn’t want to leave from this moment. As if in a moment of blinking the bus was there settling in front of the couple. The doors swung open and Daniel nudged her saying its here. Are you ready to start our life together? They walked to the door and Daniel let her go first. Up the stairs, and into the seats, the two of them sat in the very back on the right hand side, the aisle before the end, where there was more privacy. Steph so blinded by love saw nothing but Daniel and in return he was looking at her. The doors swung closed and the bus rolled forward sealing there fate.


Emily found herself in a rut in life. This valiant strong woman, once paramedic had gotten to the end of her ropes. Yes she had been trained to be calm in all situations but lifes stresses had finally gotten to her. With her husband of three years just up and leaving her for a younger woman, Emily had a mental break down at work one day and had too much a delayed reaction time which cost a few there lives all because she knew her husband was cheating on her. Lives Emily could have saved had she been all right. Work had consumed her relationship and he couldn’t take never seeing her. Her ex left her son lucah, in her custody because frankly he was an unfit father and despite the lack of attention that Emily gave either the men in her life, she was a much better parent than he could be. He left a note saying, “ Hun, we’ve grown apart, I’m leaving you and lucah. It’s for the best for both of us if we just move on. I’ve already packed my bags and ill be out by the time you get back.” That was the day she had lost her job. Today is the day after and all of it was sinking in as she thumbed his words on the paper. All she wanted to do was cry but nothing was coming out. She just sat there staring at the paper in disbelief. Internally she’s screaming and hitting something but physically shes not moving a muscle. A dismal look on her darkened face is hardened in place and she just cant believe it. Time means nothing and all she does is thumb the paper over each letter, each individual marking that carves out a little bit more of her heart. Just as a tear begin to form, a soft knock at her door. Its her teenage son Lucah. His voice penetrated through her numb feeling and she looked up at the door, her son on the other side. “hey ma, what are ya doing in there we gatta go.” How can I even begin to tell him? thinks Emily. She rubs away her hurt in her eyes and gives her best “ok ill be right there” without her voice breaking. She thought to her self, ill somehow tell him tonight, I cant keep this from him.

Emily is a slightly larger woman in the shoulders and burlier in the arms than most of her friends. All that heavy lifting on the job payed off, but she thought it had something to do with why he had left. Maybe her brown hair wasn’t dark enough or maybe it was how she always seemed to have dark circles under her eyes. Maybe it was her malado decent but that would be ridiculous.










Eliza is your typical girl with a heart of gold, who’s made just a tad too many bad choices. Her short blonde pixie cut looked good when she first got it done but now its in the stage where its not quite a pixie any more but just not at her shoulders yet. Its morning and Eliza is lying in her bed. Usually by now her roommate and sister robin is up and at em’ but she hasn’t heard anything coming from her sisters room. Looking at her alarm she noticed why. It wasn’t even 7am yet. Eliza rubbed her eyes and lay there just staring. At nothing in particular just looking at the ceiling. She debated going back to sleep but she couldn’t do it. Today she had to face him again. Her ex mark in court for what seemed like the millionth time. He had screwed her so bad in the past and yet she couldn’t find it in her heart to do him as wrong as he had done to her. He was her first boyfriend from high school and she fell hard. In high school Eliza wasn’t the most popular but she got by. Mark saw right past the awkward exterior she put on and saw the good side she always assumed she had. Mark was a year older than her and they didn’t have any classes together but they still found time to be together after class. Her mom told her that he was a heart breaker right from the start but she couldn’t see past that, he was her first boyfriend or really anyone to give her the attention she desperately wanted. Her sister Robin was close to five years older and so she looked up to her. Robin was smart and a great leader, basically everything Eliza wanted to be but couldn’t. A few years later just fresh out of high school and Eliza hated herself for going out with mark. He ruined everything she had held dear. Her mom stopped supporting her. After so many fights her big sister stepped in and helped Eliza by taking her to live with her at her apartment once her mom kicked her out. Nothing seemed to be going her way all, at least until she was under her sisters’ roof and not her mothers. Now eliza could come and go as she pleased, without ridicule or backlash. Yes she had to be considerate of her sisters’ things and was ever grateful to her but eliza felt more independent than ever, all that was left was to settle this court dispute between herself and her ex.

After what seemed like an hour of staring into the abyss she rolled over to the edge of her bed. The clock read 10:30 elizas eyes bulged. “Wait, what!? Where did the time go it was just 7!” She swung her legs over the edge quickly in a panic and began focusing on getting ready. She threw on a nice graphic tee in a hurry and some blue jeans before pausing in the mirror. “There’s no way I can show up at court looking like this, I have to be a little presentable.” After a few more moments she opened up her closet and quickly looked through her choices. Shirt after shirt and nothing seemed like it would work for where she had to be. She tossed a few more shirts behind her into a pile, which unintentionally hit the soft spot on the floor and made a creak noise. Her sister yelled from below “hurry up or were going to be late!” Eliza started to scuffle around finding one of her nicer long sleeved shirts and decided on it. It was a black and white striped long sleeve shirt that was warm but not too warm. The blue jeans remained on because there just wasn’t time to look for skinny black jeans. After a few more minutes Robin was banging on the bathroom door to have Eliza come out. Makeup came quickly to eliza, it was choosing clothes that took forever. Slightly frazzled by the time and the day ahead, eliza came out, took a deep breathe, and walked side by side with her sister Robin. The two of them forged out of the apartment into the street where the wind stung Eliza’s face. Once the bus arrived all she could think of was thank goodness this will soon be over. Once Eliza took her seat after her sister her fate was sealed.