Hellrazor is an epic tale of a man made immortal through an act of mercy, now and ever on struggling to live with what is at once a kind of blessing and thoroughly a curse. Charged with eradicating the Nephilim who escaped The Flood, his work, as his life, is never-ending.

Gaius Cassius Longinus, the Jerusalem Garrison Centurion who put Jesus out of his misery, doomed to walk the earth until He comes again, is tasked with the never-ending hunt for the wicked who escaped the Wrath of God and the cultist humans who would fall into league with them. Longinus--the Hellrazor, will suffer no Evil to live.

Baron Werther von Kroen, seeker of the occult and cultist extraordinaire, elevates himself to god-like status upon his discovery an old god buried in the ice of Antarctica. A doctor of eugenics devoted to the Third Reich’s Fatherland, his newly found font of ever-renewing Gottstoff opens the door to the creation of a master race of supra-humans. With this re-emergence of long-lost demigods, Von Kroen plans on usurping Creation, itself, and taking the throne as a god-king. Kroen will suffer no man to stand in his way.

When the paths of these two men meet...there will be Hell to pay.