chapter 1a: there is no solution I can see here

get a life 2: get gettier

Chapter 1a

no solution I can see here.


Hello ask me about new features that have just been added

brian the robot I need to know if im going to survive this

I concur Hello ask me about new features that have just been added

Ive escaped a mental hospital because of these women I cloned. im on the run everyday. one day im going to forget how to develop the money using sound adv

huh that is interesting say something to me

can you help me adv

do something to me

shakes robot adv

the robot killed you game over

rachael: stop playing with your phone. the police are here.

brian: Im going to cause global warming if we keep making our food using the air

rachael: run

we land on a small island in fiji.

rachael: brian how did you do this anyway

brian: I thought you were still pissed at me

rachael: you ruined my fucking life. of course im pissed.

brian: at first I used water and it sort of works. the idea being you need to slow down sound to millions upon millions times slower

than its ever been before. messing with the sample rate also helps.

rachael: but for what reason. I had a life before.

brian: I really don’t know. I guess it seemed impossible so I wanted to do it.

rachael: are we going to keep running forever. there going to catch us.

brian:youre right to run the speed where going were going to need tons of food we can’t keep this up.

time lord 1: hello were the time lords. we notice your moving at the speed of light in a medium gravity planet. that’s wrong.

brian: let me just get my


rachael: I don’t care.

time lord 2: its really nothing to worry about. were just going to bring you to a higher gravity or is it lower gravity planet.

time lord 1: anyway the idea being is that in one of those in theory you should live longer.

rachael: should I go get brian.

time lord 1: were going immediately.

rachael runs to brian

rachael: the time lords can get us out of here.

brian: look I don’t work at the conveinence of the plot

rachael: just go.

2 years later

brian: well its nice watching all these tv seasons

rachael: Ive listened to every song ever made

brian: how much time has past

rachael: let me check the chrometer

brian: well

rachael: weve aged 1 day.

brian: how long has it been.

brian:let me log into my borderlands 3 game from here.

rachael:how long have you been waiting

brian: feels like a year

brian: oh heres the date

brian: 3 years have past

rachael: do you want to meet our neighbors

brian: sure why not

brian: time lord. where are the grocery stores around here.

time lord: 1 days away.

brian: in distance

time lord: 3 inches away.

brian: wait do we live in the same house

time lord: yes I was sitting on the couch next to you

brian: the sense of time here is so screwed up

time lord: we are the only ones in the universe with a correct sense of time. everyone else is wrong.

rachael: look hes wrong alright.

time lord 2: you get what were saying.

time lord: you are banished. you have a poor sense of time. leave this place forever.

brian runs at super sonic speed on earth. it appears as if hes running in place on a treadmill.

the time lords pick him up by his sleeve and toss him into an innertube that launches him into a spaceship. the spaceship is programmed

to drive to earth.

3 years later.

brian: it was the time lords. the time lords.