578 words (2 minute read)
by E

High Level Arc

  • Ordinary life as a call center csr for a major wireless carrier
  • Call to adventure happens when logged into frequent callers phone to transfer data, plays MP4 that has binaural beats and it seemingly puts csr into coma.
  • CSR wakes up in hospital bed and finds his clothes and walks himself out of hospital.
  • Goes back home to find apt rented to another family
  • Goes to work to find company is not longer in business, bought out by another company.
  • Gets arrested for trespassing and disorderly conduct.
  • No ID , presumed illegal alien. Awaiting deportation.
  • Within custody meets someone who guides him out of custody. Mentors him into discovering the truth : he has been imprisoned and used this past 10 years to change the future.
  • Must stop those who have stolen the future but first he has to survive and learn how quantum physics works so he can travel the bleed: the fourth dimension time stream, he also must seek to understand those who have worked against him. They have shaped time to kill the population growth.
  • Has first breakthrough when saving a child from being crushed inside an underground mine.
  • Decides that if he is going to save the world he needs resources, takes his show and skills on the road.
  • Gets enough funds that he is able to build an underground fortress, builds an army and fortune . His enemy is full of enhanced humans and he needs be ready. There is an energy to the bleed that causes residual reality distortion in those who have been activated. They can only go forward, not back.
  • Finds out his parents are involved in this somehow. Mom has been unstable since birth and father has past but he will need to locate them and confront them if possible.
  • Finds out father and mother were travelers who sold their sons rights long before he was born in order to get out of their government contract. Drove mom crazy and dad to drink.
  • Abandonment drives fractal to jump into old habits and he starts using again. He has a mental breakdown and ends up crushing the nearby hospital they bring him to. He doesn't seem to be alive and we flash back to his past, right after the stroke.
  • He realizes that this is his present mind in his past body trying to work his way through what's happening, almost like a time sequence .
  • He breaks from the custody of the cabal, pull the kids he saved from the hospital explosion out of the bleed and arranges their DNA back together as good as he can. Giving them the powers they need to help him battle. (Patchworks)
  • In the midst of all the confusion, a zombie virus is released from the future/past and now the team must battle through the waves of zombies. This is where Brutus is bitten.
  • After defeating the zombies they are surrounded by the cabal and 4 of their members are killed while in custody. Fractal collapses and after dream sequence, wakes up in present future day with a bit more to deal with.
  • Onto the next book.