
Reader Writer · Reader · edited almost 2 years ago
Very intriguing content. I’ve always had a deep interest in the field of renewable energy research since I think it holds the key to our collective destiny. For instance, China has pledged to totally phase out carbon emissions by the year 2060 via the use of renewable energy sources. I think it’s important to have software that not only helps to develop processes in the field, but also keeps up with the rapid pace of innovation in the renewable energy sector (see https://fluix.io/industry-renewable-energy). It seems odd to me that so little has been written about this program.
All, thank you for the support. Things have been progressing well...
Prasun Barua · Author · added over 2 years ago
ELECTRICITY FROM RENEWABLE ENERGY - An eBook which contains various types of topics on renewable energy sources and how to generate electricity from these sources. There are various renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, water, tidal wave, biomass and geothermal. Check it out on Google Play https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=pio4EAAAQBAJ&PAffiliateID=1011leMDu