
I’ve been told that ebooks will be released on July 23rd. Physical books will follow in the ensuing weeks. The reason? Because there are just so many bloody copies of my book that the printer needs more time. Thank you for making that the case. Thank you for making this box on my living room floor a possibility.

Thank you for everything.

Dear y’all. It’s really happening.

Update your address if, perhaps, you’ve moved in the past three and 3/4 years. That way, you can be sure to get your copy.

Tausend Dank.

Dear Readers,

On Monday afternoon, the publisher declared that they would be sending the final proof of the novel to the printer. They told me that to expect physical books on July 8th.

Thank you for being with me on this journey, either actively or passively. It’s been a long road, but the destination is nearing. In fact, I just saw a post from someone I know that it’s taken 6 years for her book to come to fruition, so it made me feel a little better that mine is coming about in under 4 years. Comparison may be the thief of joy, but it can sometimes ameliorate certain anxieties.

I’ll keep you posted via this and any other avenue by which we’re connected.


Hey, y’all. Quick update. I got another proof back, but it was full of formatting errors for the quotation marks on certain bits of dialogue. I am going through, quote by quote, and marking them for correction. I hope to turn it around, today. Amazingly, this sort of fine-tooth combing seems to take as much, if not more, time than writing a book. Excelsior.

Hey, everyone. It’s May. I know ... yet more time has passed. This book has been an arduous labor, and the years since I brought it to this platform have been some of the most tumultuous of my life. Still, I’ve been diligent despite what’s been happening. I’ve not been idle. I’ve been devoted to shaping the most worthwhile version of the novel with which (as I mentioned previously) both Inkshares and I (and—most importantly—you) can be satisfied. I can’t thank Inkshares enough, particularly Avalon Radys, for their patience and determination. And, if you’ve not forgotten completely about this work, I thank you, too, for your patience. Job’s (rhymes with "globe") got nothing on you all.

The "final" proof (as anyone who’s ever worked on versions of anything will know, the word "final" when it comes to proofs is a bit of a cruel mockery of the work that still needs to be done) was delivered the day I arrived in the Pacific NW last week. It was tough to look it over and be on vacation, since it consisted of spending time with a friend whom I’d not seen in six years, and his new family. Since the sudden death of my best friend in 2017, I’ve made it a point to take the big trips to see those whom I wish that I could see more often, no matter how far away they are. Living one’s life can sometimes be the biggest obstacle toward "getting things done." But I chipped away at the proof and, this morning, I sent it back to the publisher.

It is my ardent hope that this will be the version that goes to print and the protracted story of this story will finally culminate in a physical book.

Hey there, comrades. Today was to have been the day. While I need to relay to you that there is a delay, it’s not so disappointing (to me) because it bodes of us talking meticulous care to get everything right. Inkshares has been incredibly generous to me in the "final" steps and has allowed me latitude that I greatly appreciate. That freedom, however, came with the need for another diligent proofread, which is underway.

Langston Hughes asked what happens to a dream deferred, and while his inquiry is about something much more profound, what is happening with Disintegration is that it will become the best version of the book with which both I and Inkshares can be mutually satisfied. And with which we hope that you, after so long a wait, will also be pleased.

Thank you for your continued patience, or your failed memory of this protracted affair, whichever is more accurate. ;-) The word from Inkshares is that everything will finally culminate around this time next month, which just happens to be the week of my godmother’s and my sister’s, her son’s, and my ex’s birthdays (and also Billy Joel’s and Steve Yzerman’s, and the kid who used to live across the street from me. It’s a birthday bonanza). So, lots to celebrate.

Remember, the conflict within the book has been raging for 183 years. This little deferment? Just a drop in the bucket.  

Hey, everybody. It’s been a long time but, rest assured, neither I nor the book have died. In fact, I’ve finally got some news for y’all, which is why I’m sending out this update. (It seemed counter-intuitive to send out updates when there wasn’t any news, hence the long silence.)

I just received the copy-edited version of the manuscript and—if we meet all of the deadlines—the book has been assigned a tentative publishing date during April, 2019. I am going to endeavor to reach every goal we’ve set for which I’m responsible, so I’m confident that, come April, this book will finally come to life.

It’s been quite the journey, I know. I didn’t expect it to take this long, and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you have forgotten about it, and about little ole me, even, in these ensuing years. But we’re back, baby. Disintegration is happening.

I’ll keep you posted on any further developments. Watch this space.

P.S. Please be sure to update your shipping address, if you’ve moved some time in the last three years. :-/ 

Mike X Welch · Author · added over 6 years ago
S.E. - I’m sure this is something Inkshares might’ve mentioned, but do any of the cuts lend themselves to being preserved for a sequel?  Could a character (and therefore their story) be completely excised from the 1st book and perhaps serve as the centerpiece of a 2nd book?  I ask because if I were faced with the prospect of them either being on the cutting room floor vs asked to hold off on telling their story...I know which one I would go with.

That said....I think that Avalon is going to end up asking me to ADD 10k words to my manuscript by the time I hand it in.   Good luck, either way!

It’s been a long time.

I haven’t had much to say, so I’ve laid off bombarding you with updates that contained no news. However, a few months back, I was told that Inkshares is ready to begin producing Disintegration.

I was overjoyed at the news, as it’s been quite a long road, but the road is yet longer. Alas. Inkshares has asked that I pare by 50,000 words the manuscript I submitted. This is no small feat. I managed to trim 20k by eliminating some character backstory and world-building, by sacrificing some parts that I felt were illuminating but weren’t essential to the overall plot. But another 30k remain to be pared. And that task is much more daunting.

Of course I’m in love with my own words, but I do realize that they’re not all golden and they’re not all necessary. That’s why the first cut was relatively easy. I want the story to be full and rich and chock with the kinds of connections and background that make it an epic, immersive experience, but the logistics don’t really allow that, since this is my first commercial book. The business of books asks "Who the hell is this?" of an unknown author, and "Why the hell is his book so long?"

Inkshares believes that my book will have wider appeal if it is narrower of width. That perhaps a skinny spine might entice a casual reader to pick it, on a whim, from a bookshelf ... where a fat one would not. I would like my book to be published, so I accede. Or, I am attempting to. It’s been slow going because I’m a full-time public school teacher and a graduate student and my "free" time is the time I spent looking at the backs of my eyelids.

But the book is coming. A version of it, anyway. A heavily abridged version that will, I hope, be a leaner, meaner, quicker, punchier version than my originally submitted draft. It’ll be such a rousing success, flying off bookshelves due to its striking black and red, and thin, spine, that the big, fat, unabridged version may well follow due to overwhelming demand.

A man can dream. And, while this man dreams, he is working on paring a novella’s worth of words from Disintegration so, like a boxer, the book meets its target weight and is ready to fight for science fiction supremacy.

Hey, gang. Long time no update. The reasons are two-fold: 

1) There hasn’t been much to say regarding the book.

2) I am bad at social media.

Regarding the first reason, I was recently told by Inkshares that there is a 50-book queue and my book is somewhere amidst. I don’t know precisely where, but I am hoping that it’s closer to the front than the back. What this means is that Disintegration not coming out soon. That bums me out and I hope it bums you out, too.

If you are bummed out, email hello@inkshares.com and tell them you want your MTV! No! You want your Disintegration!

However, if you’re over it by this point, I can’t feign shock.

I’m hoping you’re not.

I’d much rather you clamor and advocate for the book. So much of any book’s success on this site is based upon convincing Inkshares that there is money in a title. The way we do that is by selling copies. So, please, if you can think of any science fiction fan in your life looking for a deeply thoughtful, mature tale that unflinchingly confronts humanity’s foibles, direct them to Disintegration!

Don’t be over it; despite the glacial process, the book continues to elicit effusively positive feedback from a wide variety of readers, many of whom are not even regular sci-fi consumers. It warms my cockles to know that, despite the publish date being amorphous, the book still has such vast appeal.

At this rate, I may well wind up providing everyone a copy of the manuscript before the book goes to press. If you’d like to join the ranks of those reading what they’ve already purchased, pipe up and I’ll furnish you with a PDF, too!

As for the second point, I really wish I’d some social media skills because, had I that hustle, had I joined the right contest, had I done this thing or that thing differently from how things actually went, perhaps I could have joined the ranks of "fully funded" books. It’s a category that includes books that have sold equal or fewer copies than Disintegration, but instead received that golden ticket treatment and were swooped up to the Big Time.

I openly admit my envy. I want to see my book come to life. I want it to be seen and read and enjoyed, and any other wonderful possibilities that might arise from its publication.

Someday, they say. I eagerly await it.

Notable Readers

Matt Kaye
Kelsey Rae Barthel
Joseph Terzieva
Janna Grace
Matthew Isaac Sobin
Tony Valdez
Brian Guthrie
A.C. Weston
James Rasile
Joseph Asphahani
Amanda Orneck
Craig A. Munro
Dave Barrett
John Robin
S.T. Ranscht
Byron Gillan
Michael Sebby
Thomas J. Arnold
JF Dubeau
Greg Chen