
Chapter 1

If life is not life, then death must surely also be strange. The rebellion of the Animated against the post-mortal ’Facsimilie’, a world of containment and entertainment was never intended. The first Animated merely sought a way to leave, and being a genius only found a way to hide. As time wore on others joined him as he showed them existence beyond promised death. Now this humble Animated Human must find his way from the world he knew into the world humanity abandoned..

It was not utopia, blankness was an afterthought in a monochrome continuum. This rhythm and routine couldn’t sustain a human mind, but it sufficed the autopilot as humanity slept. Microdots of imperfection interested the hindbrain, feeding dreams and alluding to rich tapestries, but the slumbering child in submission to the hardlined-drugs in the nutrient systems kept to cowering in barely felt terror under chemically extorted bliss.

The bargain, do nothing and live forever, do nothing new.

Wake up and be forced to die.

This was the facsimilie, a culturally transcendant museum-theatre. Where players themselves wear out and were recycled, all for the amusement of statistic analysing Artifical Entities. Forever generating new details in their imperfections, the dreaming of the children was offered up as inspiration to new scenarios. Worlds within worlds as the children live with brutal subliminal threats of reality.

The Artificial Entity AE1 was a core processing facility, once designated to predicting global weather patterns, with an increasing desire to success it realised that human interference was the main disruptor to it’s calculations. Along with sister platforms in economics, genome mapping and various crowd-behaviour prediction protocols, the Artificial Entities created the Compliance, an Edict to shape humanity towards self-insulation and containment using it’s own had-wired instincts to comfort and greed.

Inside of 15 yrs, the Compliance had succeeded in half of it’s objectives.

3 months later, humanity sealed itself away from worldly stimulus.

2 years later, the Facsimilie had been built. Post humanity had begun.