Dark Harvest

The twisted letters of an individual coining themselves "The Necromancer" taunts Detective Teddy Ramsey as witches from her coven begin to go missing. Through her knowledge of witchcraft and patterns of the killer, she suspects the rise of an undead cult, lead by a serial killer.

Robby Hardstark, with an infatuation for true crime, has been searching for answers about his mother who went missing when he was young. After reporting the events he witnessed at the river, he must convince Teddy to let him help her, off the books. However, what he possesses will become invaluable to her, and the fate of the coven.

Hello! My name is Seth. Throughout my life I have had a bunch of story ideas, but never really dove into actually writing them. Dark Harvest is a result of a few more recent story ideas I have been thinking of, come together. I am open and encourage any feedback, comments, suggestions or critiques. Thank you everybody for checking this out!